Framework: Private founding
Capacity: 30.000,00 €
Duration: 2015 - 2016
Chief Science Officer: Alberto Marinò
Partners: Cantieri Navali Vizianello
Object: Maritime technologies, Green Technologies, Hybrid Propulsion, Inland Vessel
Scope of the project is the development of small hybrid passenger ship, having a tonnage < 25 GT, with non-metallic hull, and intended to operate in the Venice Lagoon. In comparison with a sea-going ship, the design of a vessel intended for inland waterway navigation meets more specific restrictions due to the particular environment. Shallow waters, low air draught and/or narrow waterways have a great impact on the design of such vessels, and Venice, with its unique urban morphology, has got them all. Hybrid-electric propulsion can be a suitable solution for small passenger vessels when Zero-Emission-Mode navigation is required. In fact, ZEM navigation allows the vessel to enter into environmentally protected areas, where it is necessary to reduce or even put noise, air and water pollution down. As for the operational service, a “line service” has been chosen. The new small passenger vessel has been studied to be used for a daily service from the “Marco Polo” Airport to Piazza S. Marco, passing through Canal Grande. The design of the new small passenger vessel has started from the experience gained in Scossa 1 Project, optimizing hull forms and general layout of the vessel.