Framework: POR FESR 2014 2020
Capacity: 499.920,80 €
ISD Lab Capacity: 108.355,80 €
Duration: March 2017 - July 2018
Chief Science Officer: Alberto Marinò
Partners: Alto Adriatico Custom S.r.l., Friulinossidabili S.r.l.
Subject: Maritime technologies, Green Technologies, Zero Emissions, Inland Waterway Navigation, Hybrid Propulsion
The ZELAG project finds a green solution for the public transport in inland waters and in particular for lagoon of Grado (GO – Italy). This objective will be fulfilled through a hybrid vessel, which reduces both environmental impact and noise. Special hull forms will be designed in order to reduce waves and consequently preserve seabed. Eco-sustainability is the key feature of this project for all the vessel life-cycle: materials will be chosen to be easily disposed in accordance with European rules. For this reason the vessel will be made of wood using the innovative technology called “strip planking”. The vessel will be designed to operate between Grado and Aquileia through the lagoon of Grado and the Natissa river. It will promote naturalistic and historic heritage as well as lower the road traffic and assuring bicycles transport. In addition, Architectural Barrier-Free design will be another topic of the project allowing the development of all the features that allow the usage of the vessel by individuals with disabilities. The project will include a real scale experimental campaign to face extremely shallow water ambient, in order to optimize hydrodynamics and propulsion plant.