Framework: POR FESR 2014 2020
Capacity: 1.235.593,87 €
ISD Lab Capacity: 206.097,72 €
Duration: May 2017 - 2018
Chief Science Officer: Alberto Marinò
Partners: Navalprogetti S.r.l., Tergeste Power and Propulsion S.r.l.
Subject: Maritime technologies, Green Technologies, Air Cavity System, Inland Waterway Navigation
The exploitation of inland waterways can significantly contribute to increase the environmental sustainability of the transport of goods and passengers, especially replacing road transport. The route Venezia/Mantova, relaunched in 2003, is very interesting but it has a high aged fleet having no acceptable environmental impact with reference to the UE low. These constraints require to use the most modern marine integrated design techniques in making the concept of new inland vessels, summarizing in a coherent and rational way all the needs to obtain a functional, technologically-appropriate industrial product, which combines low purchase and operative costs with respect for the environment. Scope of the project is the development of a concept design of a new ceneration of inland vessel. The reduction of power and increase of efficiency will be granted by the application of the most innovative technologies: the Air Cavity Sistem (ACS) and the Bivortix propeller. In addition will be studied the feasibility of natural gas propulsion (CNG and LNG).