The Integrated Ship Design Laboratory (ISD Lab) was established in early 2017 as part of the Department of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Trieste. The laboratory aims to innovate the ship design processes as well as to research and design new types of ships. The main objective of ISD Lab is to go beyond the design system by system, approaching the ship as a whole. The Ship is a complex system where all subsystems can be arranged in many different feasible layouts subjected to constraints, requirements and interconnections. Nevertheless, they contribute altogether to the success of design process. Therefore, only by approaching the aspects together and balancing their performances, it is possible to reach the best possible design: the one which guarantees the best economic performances (for commercial ships) and/or the best operative skills (for military ships, pleasure yachts, research ships etc.). This is the challenge of ISD Lab along with increasing ships’ safety and lower the environmental impact of vessels. To face up to these topics ISD Lab created a multidisciplinary team capable to use the most advanced tools for ship design as well as developing in-house build software.
The most important topics of ISD Lab Research work are: New Materials for Shipbuilding, Alternative Fuels, Hybrid-Electric Propulsion Systems, Innovation of Ship Design Process, Ship Concept Design based on Economic Performance, Progressive Flooding Simulation, 3D Modelling and Virtual Reality, navigation safety and decision support. ISD Lab is working to set up new generation design tools and practices, in order to make future ships: “green”, safe and efficient.
our research team

Ing. Nicola Norcia
PhD Student
our tools

AVLCruise M

IntergraphSmart 3D






programming languages


